Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A cold night’s work

As I lean back onto the cold wall in my room, fleeting thoughts of what I am doing here rush through my mind. Its been nearly 6 months since I uprooted myself from the safe confines of leafy, sleepy Trivandrum to begin a new life in a world which I seem to fit in awkwardly. . All of a sudden, the conversation in the room livens up, suddenly people start swearing.

“F&#! you, you don’t have basic sense”,screams a voice from near the bed. Words I haven’t heard in Malayalam are shouted from another corner of the room. Nothing of importance, I realized, just consensus building for ordering food from CT. The food sucks but hey we cash constrained executives are not spoilt for choice. Once the vocabulary is exhausted, we settle for chicken noodles, praying that by sheer random odds we do not end up having to eat something else.

Work continues, the discussion broken up by comments about girl friends or basically their total absence in our lives, I guess the fact none of us got lucky yet is contributing to the good humour. We happily laugh at each others follies and sarcastic barbs are thrown at anything remotely resembling a beginning for someone (and an ending for someone else, the bro code prevents me from saying who)

Finally the food arrives and we praise God when we realize that they brought what we ordered. Before I can get up, claims and counterclaims are made on the food, opportunistic pigs. I jump up and grab the packet lying nearest me, F!$# !!!!. veg maggi, they have put one past us again.

More out of boredom than anything else we wind up the work. As I trudge back through the cold to my room, I realize how much I will miss these meetings. When I look back on my days here, how can I ever forget the meetings of MALfunction.

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