Saturday, January 17, 2009

6 pack Moga

Fresh from the bravado of declaring my New Year resolutions to the world, I decided to follow up and join the gym. Sure that intellectually nothing had changed since I joined WIMWI, I at least wanted a few bronzed muscles which I could publicly show off without having to jump to the recourse of “minimis non curat lex” to protect me, as Prof. Agarwal so beautifully stated in his scholarly thesis.

Day 0 – Brought a tracksuit (everything starts from day 0 at IIM A, unfortunately)
Day 1 – Admired it
Day 2 - was too lazy from all the admiration
Day 3 – Tried to rope in a few friends…………unsuccessful, how come they have so much to study……..hmmmm
Day 4 – Saw Ghajini for inspiration and fell in love with Asin; who cares about Aaaaaaaaamir (how many a’s does he want in his name anyway)
Day 5 – Went and paid the membership fees, sure that nothing else would work
Day 6 – Finally the big day had arrived and I went

The day was bloody cold and I reached t gym around 4 (at 16:00, definitely not at 04:00). It is a long brick building (surprise !!!!) near Dorm 18, fitted with tinted windows so that if u want to c what s gng on inside u hve to literally presss ur face onto the glass. Nothing looks stupider to a person who s working out inside. Confidently I swaggered in and voila to my surprise it was full of women, who remarkably were of a uniform shape and none of them were particularly pleased on seeing me. The guard sitting near the counter shouted at me “Ladies time boss”. Suddenly things started falling in place; the reason why all the women looked so uniform. Later when I went in the general time and found enough people to drool at (I am not gay btw, so if any girl ever is unlucky to read this, chances ar that i will still b single, lucky u !!!!! ) I realized a simple lesson in life. If the fairer sex is beautiful, they generally love showing off. Life is a continuos struggle to reach that state.


  1. why don't u mention the limerick told by Prof. Aggarwal on ur blog???

  2. its an inside joke :P
