Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2nd year blues

I am not sure whether it is the Amdvad heat, its hot enough to scar you for life, whether it is the mess food, which will do the same to your taste buds or jus that the fact that I am in my room with little to do to pass the time, life has become so immeasurably uncool (it s the heat which has driven away t cool, damn it) that I am starting to blog again.

First year has come and gone in a flash. If I said that I miss the FRA quizzes, I would be lying. If I said that I miss the group-work, I would be lying. If I said that I miss the early morning classes, I would be lying cos I have early morning classes on all days except Wednesday. Did you say idiot? If you did, I wouldn blame you. I console myself by saying that I love the courses I took. When I say it zillions of time, I actually sort of believe it myself. Seriously it works. Wow, I love my courses!!!

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