Saturday, April 4, 2009

A New Beginning

The 5th of April 2009, a new part of my life opens up. I survived the first year at IIM - Ahmedabad and apart from the first term, the year was pretty good. Made some great friends, had a wonderful time and have enough memeories to last a lifetime. But I will surely miss the quiz notices. The palpable fear in the mess hall during lunch as a hundred hearts start ticking harder as the clock goes past 1:20 and where every small sound is mistaken as the sticking of a quiz notice. Every movie about life here cant leave out "Short FRA/MANAC quiz at 2:30 in your respective classrooms". There is a very strong reason for that after all.

Internship starts tomorrow and I am going to get paid for the first time in my life for a job. I liked the guys who tok my interview hope my project guide turns out to be similar. So Bangalore and the Bullwhip Effect, here I come.

Till next time then

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